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Monday, March 1, 2010

The Scariest Place on Earth

My name is Samuel Gomez and I am a student in Roosevelt Middle School. I am different from many other students because I do not speak the same language as them. I am native to El Salvador. Can you imagine being in a place where most of the people your age does not speak your language? I am scared every day because I sometimes can’t even communicate simple needs. I feel so alone. I have found a way to feel alone in a place with many people. I do not even exist according to many of the native English speakers. I am struggling to learn English because I will not have a voice in this scary place until that voice is in English.


Speak: (Verb) verbal communication using words

Native: (Adjective) originating in a particular place

Language: (Noun) system of words common to a people of the same community

Communicate: (Verb) convey a message

Struggling: (Verb) having trouble doing something

Voice: (Noun) Sounds that come from your mouth

Close Exercise:

  1. Nobody can hear me because I lost my ______________________.
  2. I can’t understand what the teacher is saying because we don’t speak the same ______________________.
  3. A fish from the Baltic Sea is said to be __________________ to that area.
  4. I want to ____________________ to your manager.
  5. There are many other ways to ____________________ what you need other than speaking.
  6. I am _______________________ to understand you because you are talking too softly.

Additional Exercise:

Write a short paragraph about your experience in Middle School. You must discuss how you interact with other students.


  1. This is an excellent paragraph! Are you writing it from a student's viewpoint?

    Good word choice and writing assignment! A grammar exercise for this could consist of identifying all the present tense verbs.

  2. Very nice!
