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Monday, March 1, 2010

Am I Crazy?

Hello, my name is Marcy. I am 15 years old and I am convinced that my teachers are plotting to make me fail. All throughout my life I have had problems making friends. When I was 12 I made my first friend named Patty. She and I have been inseparable for 3 years. She actually understands who I am and agrees with me about my theories pertaining to my teachers. My parents do not like Patty, telling me that she needs to leave my life forever. They finally made me see a psychiatrist who informed me that Patty never existed. The doctor mandated that I take these red pills and Patty doesn’t come around anymore.


Convinced: (Verb) to be sure; to persuade

Plotting: (Verb) planning

Inseparable: (Adjective) stays together

Agrees: (Verb) having the same opinion

Pertaining: (Verb) to belong to

Psychiatrist: (Noun) doctor that focuses on the brain

Pills: (Noun) medication; medicine

Close Exercise:

  1. The doctor is making me take these __________________ for my headaches.
  2. My brothers ___________________ that I am very annoying.
  3. All the information on your sheet is _____________________ to the lab we are doing.
  4. I was ___________________ that the magic trick was a fake.
  5. My dog and I are ___________________ when I am not in school.
  6. Crazy people need to see a ____________________ to get better.
  7. My mother is ____________________ to ruin my life.

Additional Exercise:

Write 3 to 4 sentences summarizing the passage and identify as many verbs and nouns as you could in your paragraph


  1. Who is Marcy? It's very funny, but it is supposed to be something you wrote.

    Good vocabulary and grammar point!
