I need a good Chick.

There are many chickens to go around.
President Coolidge walked into a chicken farm with his wife. He separated from his wife and wandered off alone. His wife noticed that the roosters were trying to reproduce with every chicken on the farm and asked the farmer to make sure and tell this to President Coolidge to hint to him that them two need to try to have more children. When the President returned to the Hen House the farmer explained to him that his wife wanted to tell him that the roosters constantly reproduce with all of the chickens. President Coolidge responded to the farmer by asking them if the roosters always mated with the same chicken. The then left and returned to the White House.
This entire list are verbs in the past tense
Walked: Using legs to move somewhere
Separated: to go in a different direction
Wandered: to move somewhere aimlessly
Noticed: to recognize or discover something
Asked: to give a question seeking an answer
Explained: to make clear; to give details
Mated: to reproduce
Returned: to go or bring back to the original place
Close Activity:
All of the people __________________ ten miles to support cancer.
The student ____________________ the answer in detail.
The address on the envelope could not be read so it was ___________________ to Cathy’s house.
The chimpanzees at the zoo _____________________. Now there will be more baby chimpanzees.
I was climbing a mountain and ____________________ how high the mountain was.
Sally was not sure of the answer so she _______________ her classmate.
After Joe was hit on the head, he __________________ into the wrong room.
The fight was very dangerous until the cops __________________ the two boys.
Additional Exercise:
Write 10 adjectives and match them to the past tense.